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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Vestibular Function in Children with Autism, neurological & developmental differences includes decreased density of Purkinje fibers, Autism behaviors observerved spinning, rocking, head tiliting, decreased step length, falls, Vestibular Function in Children with Autism What's our story Vestibular, VOR and eye movement will be tested with astronaut board/platform swing Head Shake Manuever smooth pursuit saccades Hamalgyi Head Thrust Pass pointing Marchers test, behaviors includes preference towards or aberation to activities that stimulate the vestibular system, Vestibular it's anatomy, Vestibular Function in Children with Autism What's our story Autism, diifficulty maintaining balance will be tested with P CT SIB- Pediatric Clinical Test of Sensory Integration and Balance Pediatric Berg Balance and Berg Balance, neurological & developmental differences includes atypical gait, anatomy contributions: VOR and eye movement, neurological & developmental differences includes hypo/hyper-tonia, pathology presents as preference towards or aberation to activities that stimulate the vestibular system, observed behaviors and clinical tests ie behaviors, Vestibular impairments can lead to diifficulty maintaining balance, preference towards or aberation to activities that stimulate the vestibular system i.e. spinning, rocking, head tiliting, decreased step length, falls, behaviors coorelated to abnormal sensory profile, motor deficits, abnormal VOR, Autism important points incidence, Autism important points spectrum disorder, Vestibular Function in Children with Autism What's our story Information gap, neurological & developmental differences includes diifficulty maintaining balance